

Societal Security Solutions Ltd has been implementing a one-week intensive study visit to Finnish nuclear safety and security institutions for 25 high-level Southern African experts. The study visit was implemented as a part of the project “MC5.01/15B”, which aims to support Southern African states in nuclear safety and safeguards. The project is funded by the European Commission and the implementing agency is International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in Astana, Kazakhstan. The study was realized in collaboration with Environics Ltd and CBRNE Suomi Association. Mr. Juha Rautjärvi, Senior Partner of Societal Security Solutions Ltd, was the leader of the study visit.



The BASECO project (The Development of Collaborative Concepts of Operations for Addressing CBRN Threats and Risks in the Baltic Sea Region) implemented in Spring 2019 two intensive and successful workshops (in Helsinki 9-10 January 2019 and in Berlin 16-17 April 2019) and one seminar (in Mikkeli 22-24 May 2019). The workshops were actively attended by participants from six Baltic Sea Region countries and experts from the European Commission.



Societal Security Solutions Ltd works partner in a three-year European PRINCE project. The project is funded by Internal Security Fund - Police by the European Commission. As a project PRINCE aims to support first aid responders and law enforcement/security authorities by providing them with an evidence base for strategic level decisions related to prevention, detection, Respiratory Protection, Decontamination and response to CBRN event. PRINCE aims to produce a roadmap based on EU & International Actions plans and recommendations by creating a PRINCE catalogue of training curricula in line with the INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM and EU, based on best practices and international proven CBRNE exercises. PRINCE aims to produce CBRNE SOPs and plans for two incidents (Chemical and Radiological) in two major exercises (Greece, Portugal).

Societal Security Solutions Ltd works actively in several tasks and work packages of this important project. You can find more information on PRINCE at



Societal Security Solutions Ltd (lead partner) and HT Nuclear Ltd will jointly implement a project: “The Development of Collaborative Concepts of Operations for Addressing CBRN Threats and Risks in the Baltic Sea Region” from September 2018 to May 2019.

As a result of the project, practical models and operational modalities of collaboration will be presented for the authorities and other stakeholders of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to improve their preparedness and response to RN threats and risks. Key capabilities of participating states will be identified and role-based collaborative concepts will be developed for application in predetermined specific threat and risk scenarios. Due to the complexity of the challenge, the scope of the project will be limited to RN threat and risk scenarios. The project offers the possibility of gaining important experience and acquiring necessary knowledge, using realistic scenarios and simulated detection with real-time expert support.

This project is contracted by the Ministry of the Interior of Finland and is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.



Societal Security Solutions Ltd has started a joint project the "Centre for Wild Food Safety" (CWFS), in association with Mikkeli Development Miksei, United Medix Laboratories Oy (Finland), the Ruralia Institute of the University of Helsinki and the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences – Xamk.  This intensive feasibility study project, which is anticipated to end by 30 September 2018, is aimed at investigating the opportunities to prove and demonstrate the safety of wild food (particularly bilberries and lingonberries) in the South Savo region.

During the project, a small-scale, but fully functional, database application will also be developed by Societal Security Solutions Ltd to assist and improve the safety of wild food.



Societal Security Solutions Ltd, contracted by the Ministry of the Interior of Finland, organized a cross-border reachback demonstration between Estonia and Finland on 22 November 2017. This action was aimed at enhancing the awareness and understanding on the level of operative and technological maturity/readiness at hand, to efficiently address the contemporary nuclear security threats at local, national, regional and international levels. 

The purpose of the event was to demonstrate that two EU Member States can carry out a joint field operation in nuclear security with advanced expert support across the borders. The demonstration was focused on a search operation of radioactive material with emphasis on timely alarm adjudication.



Societal Security Solutions Ltd has started a joint project with Mikkeli Development Miksei (see in more detail, to promote the city of Mikkeli and the province of South Savo as benchmarks of societal security. The key objective of the project is to build a program structure for international visitor groups, showing how societal security is produced and implemented in practice in South Savo. During the project, specific programs will be jointly developed with regional key stakeholders in various sectors of security and safety, such as Chemical, Biological, Radiation, Nuclear and Explosives (“CBRNE”) security, security of tourism and food safety. The web site of the project can be found at

"Mikkeli and South Savo, as well as Finland, provide an excellent environment to visualize how close collaboration of various authorities, as well as active participation of the third sector, are elementary for lasting societal security. We want to show our foreign visitors, with a very practical and open approach, what the key factors and actors are in this process in various areas of security and safety", said Ari-Matti Auvinen, Managing Partner of Societal Security Solutions Ltd. Mr. Auvinen and Mr. Juha Rautjärvi, Senior Partner and Chair of our Board of Directors, will work jointly on this project. The project is funded with the Regional Funding of Innovations and Experimentations Programme (AIKO) an arm of the South Savo Regional Council.  The project is expected to continue until the end of 2017.



Senior Partner of Societal Security Solutions Ltd, Mr Juha Rautjärvi, visited Namibia together with other Finnish delegates in early Spring 2017, to discuss the possibilities and action lines to improve security infrastructure and operations in Namibia - see the article of Namibia Economist for further details.



Mr. Ari-Matti Auvinen, Managing Partner of Societal Security Solutions Ltd, has been working a long time with stakeholder analysis in various fields. His latest work was in the area of occupational health care. His article, "Understanding the Stakeholders as a Success Factor for Effective Occupational Health Care", was published in the book "Occupational Health" in February, 2017 by InTechOpen - the leading publisher of science, technology and health open access books. 

"Although this article discusses stakeholder work within the framework of occupational health, the principles described in the article can be applied to many other fields. The principles and methods discussed could easily be adopted to the field of societal security", noted Auvinen.

His article can be read and downloaded (free-of-charge) at: